Koungjin (KJ) Lim

Ph.D. Candidate in Management (Strategy)

Purdue University Mitch Daniels School of Business

Contact: lim270@purdue.edu

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Management at Purdue University. My research interests encompass corporate strategy, strategic human capital, and their intersection. I study how firms strategically develop their human capital resources following both successful and unsuccessful acquisition attempts, and how this development shapes their future performances.


Unlocking Synergies Through Hiring  

(with Heejung Byun)

Revise & Resubmit at Strategic Management Journal

When M&A Attempts Fail 

(with Heejung Byun)

Reject & Resubmit at Strategic Management Journal

Build, Borrow, Buy… or Bail 

(with R. Anthony Gibbs, Heejung Byun)

Under Review


Purdue University - Mitch Daniels School of Business

Awards and Grants